In a previous post I touched on the importance of making time to be with your family. In our house, I have a standing boys time with our son - bath time. While bath time in and of itself may not seem like a big deal, it is more than that. I know everyday that I will spend that time with my son while he gets clean and plays in the tub. As all children do, his baths started in the kitchen sink. He absolutely loved his tub and it worked perfectly for our needs. Then we transitioned him into a regular bathtub and used his little blue tub until he was big enough to sit up on his own in a regular bathtub. He has more fun now because he can splash around, play with more toys, read his waterproof books, and laugh with daddy. While he has fun, I get to watch him grow and explore his surroundings. I teach him important things like saying "I love you, mommy." Though he has not quite grasped it yet, he blows a kiss in response smiles. It is as much fun for him as it is for me. Time is a commodity that we do not have enough of - spending it with our son during bath time is one of the best ways I can think of to use it.
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